Monday, September 8, 2008

more on Flickr

Found some nice photos on Flickr of my motorbike Kawasaki ZZR 250, but couldn't upload them to this blog as they were copyrighted. Have used Photobucket at home for a set of my own photos of my artwork, can't get to them either, the work network blocks Photobucket. Wonder how many libraries ignore Web 2.0 tools for reasons like this. It's ll very well to explore these things at home, but if one can't access them at work, it's unlikely they'll be used for library projects. (I do not understand why it blocks one photo sharing site but not others - but one must learn to live with restrictions, I guess , and use what works).

Photo sharing

Hmm, I see where libraries can make good use of photo sharing sites like Flickr. some of the author visit and event photo sets are very interesting. It is also simpler and quicker than the process of putting similar photosets on our website. A link to the photoset on one of these "outside" sites would be the way to go.
And on other matters....
The spider had woven its web from the top of one of Master Bookbod's numerous bookshelves up to the ceiling. The bookshelves stood row upon row, neatly ordered, the books tidily arranged, spines lined up perfectly.
"Tut, tut," said Master Bookbod. "This won't do. Stop that at once. You're messing up my library."
The spider turned lazily toward the scowling Master Bookbod, stared at him briefly, then turned away and continued its spinning. be continued...